We prioritize the safety of our employees and clients above all other considerations. Our objective is to create and maintain a safe and healthy work environment, and to continually improve in our efforts by strictly adhering to industry standards and implementing new guidelines and safety innovations.
Safety is treated as a Core Value to all that we seek to accomplish here at CWPD Group.
We believe Safety is a culture that is established and maintained through continuous training, monitoring, and motivation, ensuring the Safety of each individual associated with a CWPD project.
​No matter the size, safety is integrated throughout every phase of every project. Our team of full-time safety personnel regularly audit all of our work-sites to ensure the safety of our employees, sub-contractors, and clients who enter the job-site. Our dedicated safety team acts as a resource while providing direction, promoting awareness, and actively facilitating safe work practices. With extensive in-house safety training that starts with new hires and continues with competency training, our safety team ensures compliance along with an injury-free workplace.
Our safety culture is ingrained through our Target Zero Philosophy. Led by our Safety Director, the proactive approach teaches employees, sub-contractors, and clients to analyze how every action they take will affect themselves, others, and their environment so that they can take necessary steps to remove or mitigate any risks associated with their tasks.
Target Zero is achieved with everyone’s participation. Our company’s continued success of safely constructing quality projects for over 20 years is derived from the clear efforts of our safety team’s involvement with all project personnel. By teaching and rewarding Safe Work Practices, we are contributing to building trust and dependability throughout our projects and with our clients.